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My first community service project I organized. I started a toy drive at various schools in my community and wrapped all the gifts with family and friends. I then delivered them to the Ronald McDonald House location in my area and was featured on the local news stations.

Hillel VP of Social Action Projects
Organized activities that brought attention to important events and community service opportunities. Examples include: bringing a Holocaust survivor to speak on campus; a panel discussing what life is like in Israel at college-age compared to college in the USA; and "Feed My Starving Children" (food packaging event); "The Hunting Ground Film" and discussion group about sexual assault on college campuses; ManiCURE (a fundraising event where manicures are at a reduced rate and all proceeds go towards Sharsheret, a non-profit organization supporting young women and their families fighting breast cancer.
Project 2 Hillel VP of Engagement
Plan big/little programming to engage upper and lower classman (ex. Halloween decorating, cookie decorating). Planed a Holocaust Awareness week which included a Holocaust Speaker, a flag demonstration as well as a vigil. Also planned engagement events target upperclassmen such as resume workshops and wine and design.
SAFI (Student Alliance For Israel) VP of Communications
Made educational programs for students at Ithaca College and the Ithaca Community. Examples of lunch and learns: Iran Deal and Update on Recent Events in Israel as well as comparing life in Israel to the US.
Hair donation

Publication in a Friends Book

Volunteering at an organization called Pencils & Paper by organizing new donations. They serve children in the Greater Rochester Area by providing free school supplies to teachers at high poverty schools.
Over 50% of Rochester’s children live in poverty. Rochester's child poverty rate is the second-highest among U.S. cities with a population of 200,000 or more. Pencils & Paper helps meet a critical need in our community by providing teachers at high poverty schools the opportunity to shop for supplies for students at no cost.

Art therapy volunteer at Jewish Senior Life
Help residents maintain their social and motor skills and self-concept by being a friendly helper in their art room during the morning hours. Friendly and encouraging.

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